When you visit a foreign country, there are often many details you have to prepare for in advance of your journey. You’ll need to pack clothing that matches the climate you’ll be visiting, you need to make sure your passport is up to date, you need to pack all of your books, phone chargers and toiletries, and you may even want to go to a money exchange prior to your trip so you can land with local currency in your pocket.
However, very often, people neglect to buy medical insurance. A common reason for not buying medical insurance is related to price. After all, visitors must pay for the cost of the flight and their accommodations, and many people think that the extra cost of insurance is not worth it. Either that, or they believe that the chances of needing medical insurance are extremely small.
Those people are wrong. Getting Visitor Medical Insurance is actually very important – perhaps the most important purchase of your trip. And while the chances of you needing emergency medical help during your trip is low, if you do have an accident, the cost without insurance could end up being extremely high. After all, trouble never sends a warning.
Read on below to find out more, and why you should always buy visitors medical insurance when you travel.
In the most basic terms, visitors medical insurance provides financial assistance in the case of a medical problem or medical emergency. If you have it, the visitors medical insurance will pay for a portion of a number of items, including:
There are two types of visitors medical insurance: Fixed Benefits insurance coverage and Comprehensive insurance coverage. Fixed Benefits coverage is more affordable, but also has limitations. The Comprehensive cover is more expensive, but provides a more complete medical insurance.
Fixed Benefits insurance coverage usually requires the customer to pay an initial deductible for each injury or sickness, with the plan covering the rest of the costs of the covered expenses up to a certain amount, as described in the plan.
On the other hand, while comprehensive insurance will also require the customer to pay a small deductible for a certain portion of the medical expense (sometimes a portion of the first $5,000), the plan will then cover all costs up to the plan maximum. If you are the victim of a minor sickness or injury, a fixed benefit plan may be adequate to help you cover costs. However, any injury or sickness that requires a hospital stay, you’ll find that having comprehensive coverage will give you much greater peace of mind.
If you are travelling to the United States, for example, you will want to seriously consider getting comprehensive insurance, since the cost of getting medical help in that country is astronomically high. If you happen to have a serious accident, it could ruin you financially, hurting your and your family’s finances for years, or even decades.
One of the best benefits of using a service like InstaInsure is the ability to shop through dozens of plans with the click of a button. It will help you sort out all the factors that go into the decision to buy an insurance plan, such as deductibles, co-insurance, premium costs, maximum coverage limits, pre-existing conditions, etc.
By evaluating and comparing services through InstaInsure, not only will you save money, but also time! Simply fill in our form, and we’ll provide you the information you need to make the best choice for you.
Travelling can be a pain in the neck, so the last thing visitors to Canada want to do is spend hours researching complicated insurance policies.
Good news! We’ve developed a process that lets you instantly get a policy!
Our three-step process saves you time and money, which you could use for other travel-related tasks, am I right? You don't even have to deal with an agent. It's up to you!
If you’d like one of our support team members to walk you through your new insurance plan, drop us a line! We’re always happy to chat with you and even help you pick out the right plan. We train our team to know the ins and outs of Visitors to Canada insurance, Super Visa insurance, and travel insurance.